“SHATTER Last Years Results!”
Break the Glass is a specialized skills challenge where golfers compete to shatter a pane of glass from 25 yards. Golfers donate $20 for 3 chances at the contest. Each golfer who breaks a pane of glass is entered into our prize pool. If a golfer breaks more than one pane their name is entered multiple times.
One lucky winner will be chosen at random at the conclusion of the event to win our prize pack, which includes a pair of OAKLEY sunglasses and a certificate for 65+ FREE Rounds of Golf for the 2021 season. LeaderBoard provides a staff member to fully cover the contest.
The cost for this service is $350. On the day of the event, we do a 50/50 split of all the proceeds raised by our staff on course. This contest is staged on the driving range during play. LeaderBoard also offers options for an on-course setup as well. We provide custom branding for a Break the Glass sponsor, if applicable.
How it Works
Break the Glass is a new target skills challenge where players take shots at the target. We set up either on the driving range or on course and give players an opportunity to win a prize provided by LeaderBoard.
LeaderBoard provides a staff member for the day to ensure safety and entertain participants. This is a great sponsorship opportunity and the charity keeps 100% of money raised!
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